Cold Start:
At system start-up, the system has no information about last position and current time.
At system start-up, the system has no information about last position and current time.
Warm start:
At system start-up:
- the last position is known,
- the current time is known,
- the almanac data is valid,
- the ephemeris are not available or are outdated (older than 4 hrs).
At system start-up:
- the last position is known,
- the current time is known,
- the almanac data is valid,
- the ephemeris are not available or are outdated (older than 4 hrs).
Hot start:
At system start-up:
- the last position is known,
- the current time is known,
- the almanac data is valid,
- the ephemeris data is valid.
At system start-up:
- the last position is known,
- the current time is known,
- the almanac data is valid,
- the ephemeris data is valid.
At hot and warm start, the data is stored in the backup memory.