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<Computex 2009: Acer F1 Snapdragon Video>

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三星電子在2009 年MWC中,推出創新的太陽能充電全觸控式螢幕手機「Blue Earth」,表達三星對於永續環保的願景。以「The Blue Earth Dream: Eco-living with SAMSUNG mobile」為號召,三星憑藉環保友善的產品設計,與精心規劃的一系列消費者活動,重申三星致力環保的決心。

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Acer announced all the details about their entering into the mobile phone market at MWC 2009.  

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NOKIA 的概念手機,總是帶有歐洲實用簡約的工藝風格~


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Technical Specifications

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At Pakoz Hardware there’s a concept cell phone which design is come from the robot movie ‘Transformer’.
The cell phone can be transformed to complete mini robot with two minigun and a litle bi-pedal bot.

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A Phone That Could Be Transformed Into A Robot.
Is it a transformer or a cell phone? The answer is both!

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上網時間: 2008年01月23日

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上網時間: 2008年01月08日

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上網時間: 2008年01月08日

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