專業無線商務與技術諮詢公司VeriSign的子公司InCode,日前發表了對2008年全球無線產業主要趨勢的10大預言。InCode表示,這些預言旨在幫助技術供應商與消費者更好地規劃2008年的行動。這10大預言如下: 1、3G手機技術HSDPA將大行其道。InCode表示,HSDPA是一種成熟的技術,在全球擁有1,000多萬用戶,而且支援該技術的產品不斷增加。HSDPA不會與LTE和WiMax等第四代技術競爭,因為它們的成熟程度不同。WiMax距離商業部署還有兩年左右的時間,而LTE還要等大約四年。 美國廠商Verizon不久前透露將為其4G網路推出LTE的計劃,同時也與Vodaphone採納一種通用評估平台在全球提供基於這種技術的服務。據Juniper Research,到2012年全球將有接近2,400萬的用戶使用基於LTE的服務。 2、美國即將進行的700MHz頻譜拍賣,將為新出現的批發營運業者(wholesale carrier)提供機會。所謂的批發營運業者不直接向消費者出售服務,這類的營運模式將由Google之類的公司推動,而基於軟體的射頻、Wi-Fi和家庭基地台(femtocell)等技術將得到採用。 據美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)提供的資料,目前已有266家申請者參加700MHz頻譜的拍賣。這些廠商包括AT&T、Cablevision、Google、MetroPCS Wireless、Qualcomm、U.S. Cellular和Verizon Wireless。Google是最有希望獲勝的公司之一,因為它的方案允許不同的軟體與硬體供應商使用上述頻譜向消費者提供廉價的產品與服務。 3、開放式接取(open access)與晶片廠商之間的競爭,將促使設備生產商跳過通訊業者。開放式接取將催生新型服務,但另一方面,目前通訊服務業者對設備提供的補貼也將被取消。不過可能會出現由廣告主支援的補貼,來代替消費者與通訊服務業者之間的綁約,也就是消費者為了獲得低價或者免費手機,將必須同意接收廣告。 4、走向基於網際網路(IP)協定的網路的開放式接取,廠商將有機會實現真正的服務品質差異化。在低階消費者部分,在不接受補貼或者任何目前因與通訊業者簽約所得到支援的情況下,消費者的行動設備可接取任一廠商的網路。而在高階消費者部分,則能獲得VoIP等應用的高穩定性、優先接取和服務品質保證;用戶能根據自己的喜好,包括他們想要的性能與價格,來自我選擇服務。 美國通訊業者Verizon Wireless已宣佈自2008年開始向其他公司所提供的行動設備、軟體和應用開放其全美網路,此舉震動了美國無線產業。Verizon Wireless表示,它將擁有兩類客戶:其一是全服務客戶(full-service customers),即從Verizon購買設備與服務的客戶;其二是接受技術支援與自帶設備客戶,這些客戶擁有自備的行動裝置接取其網路、不接受全面服務。 5、無線寬頻將繼續是成長最快的服務。HSDPA在LTE實現商業化以前將主宰市場,而且它將嵌入到筆記型電腦用於實現無線連接。同時,WiWax將嵌入到某些消費產品之中。而由於消費者將樂於購買連接性能更好的筆記型電腦,該市場也將因此受到提振。 6、Peer-to-peer (P2p)技術將進入主流應用。美國媒體發行商將開始利用下一代具安全性、受數位版權管理(DRM)保護的P2P來發行內容。另外,電影公司和廣播公司將增加「over-the-top」服務產品。「over-the-top」是指能夠透過網際網路在行動設備上,下載隨選視訊或其他內容。 7、在大樓內部實現無線覆蓋,將成為通訊業者的主要業務策略之一,尤其是涉及服務企業客戶時。通訊業者將能夠提供大樓內(in-building)企業用戶覆蓋性,這樣可以為其帶來利潤,而不是提供各個城市覆蓋率。低成本、低功耗家庭基地台(femtocell)將是廠商採用的關鍵技術。不過技術問題仍有待克服。 Femtocell是一種小型基地台,針對家庭和辦公室應用,用於協助把無線網路覆蓋範圍擴展到整個大樓內部。據市場研究機構ABI Research的預測,Femtocell將在未來五年內將吸引1億以上的用戶;從潛力方面來看,使用Femtocell可以改善室內無線覆蓋率,並協助降低行動設備的“家中”呼叫費用。 8、隨著廠商推出3G網路和推出佔用頻寬較多的服務,他們將必須最佳化和升級其網路的回程(backhaul)部份,以保證服務品質不會受到影響。對於通訊業者來說,回程將花費大量的營運費用,經常佔廠商年度網路營運開支預算的30%左右。 9、行動廣告將驅動內容與創新,甚至導致廠商放棄他們基於訂閱的商業模式。基於廣告的模式將勝過基於訂閱的模式,就像在網際網路領域發生的事情一樣。智慧搜尋、基於位置的搜尋,以及和其他與內容及產品搭配的廣告將為廠商創造可觀的廣告收入。 2006年,行動廣告銷售額在美國達4.21億美元。根據市場研究公司eMarketer預計,該數字到2011年將上升到50億美元左右。到2011年,全球行動廣告銷售額將達到113億美元。 10、iPhone的一個重大安全事件將在企業發生,引起人們對於行動設備安全性的關注。將出現針對行動設備安全軟體與行動設備管理軟體及服務的新市場。 Top 10 predictions for the wireless industry | |
Elena Malykhina (12/19/2007 3:30 H EST) URL: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=205100946 | |
InCode, a subsidiary of VeriSign that specializes in wireless business and technology consulting, on Wednesday released its top 10 predictions for major trends in the wireless industry next year.
The predictions are meant to help technology vendors and consumers better plan for the coming year, said inCode. They are as follows: 1. High-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), a third-generation cellular phone technology, will flourish. It's a mature technology with over 10 million users globally and with an increasing number of devices supporting it, according to inCode. HSDPA won't compete with fourth-generation technologies like long term evolution (LTE) and WiMax since they're in a different stage of maturity. WiMax is about two years away for commercial deployment and LTE is about four years away. U.S. carrier Verizon last month disclosed plans to roll out LTE for its 4G network, while also adopting a common access platform with Vodafone to provide services worldwide based on the technology. Nearly 24 million subscribers worldwide will be using services based on LTE by 2012, according to Juniper Research. 2. The upcoming 700-MHz spectrum auction in the U.S. will provide an opportunity for a new wholesale carrier that will not sell services directly to consumers. This model will be driven by Google and similar companies, and will employ technology such as software-based radios, Wi-Fi, and femtocells. According to filings made with the Federal Communications Commission this week, 266 applicants will participate in the auction. They include AT&T, Cablevision, Google, MetroPCS Wireless, Qualcomm, U.S. Cellular, and Verizon Wireless. Google is among the most promising, since its approach would allow different software and hardware providers to use the spectrum to offer inexpensive products and services to consumers. 3. Open access and competition among chipmakers will drive device makers to bypass carriers. Open access will give birth to new services, but on the downside, subsidies that carriers currently provide on devices will be eliminated. There will likely be advertising-supported subsidies, meaning that instead of carrier contracts, consumers will have to agree to receive ads in order to get low-cost or free phones. 4. With a move to Internet Protocol-based networks and open access, there will be an opportunity for real quality of service distinctions for carriers. On the low end, consumers will be able to bring their own devices to a carrier's network without receiving subsidies or the kind of support they currently expect by subscribing to carrier's services. On the high end, consumers can get high reliability, priority access, and quality of service guarantees on applications like voice over IP. Customers will self-select service based on their preferences, including the performance and the price they want. Verizon Wireless last month shocked the U.S. wireless industry, announcing that starting next year it will open up its nationwide network to mobile devices, software, and applications not offered by the carrier. The carrier said it will have two categories of customers: full-service customers -- those who purchase devices and services from Verizon and receive technical support, and bring-your-own customers -- those who bring their own devices to the carrier's network without full service. 5. Wireless broadband will continue to be the fastest-growing service. HSDPA will dominate until LTE goes commercial, and it will be embedded in laptops for wireless connectivity. Meanwhile, WiMax will be embedded in some consumer devices. As a result, the laptop market will get a boost because consumers will want to buy laptops that are better connected. 6. Peer-to-peer will hit the mainstream as a technology. U.S. distributors will start using next-generation, secure, and DRM-protected P2P to distribute content. Additionally, studios and broadcasters will increase offerings of over-the-top services. Over-the-top refers to being able to download video on-demand and other content over the Internet on mobile devices. 7. Providing wireless coverage inside buildings will become a large part of carriers' strategy, especially when it comes to service enterprise customers. Carriers will enable coverage for their enterprise in-building customers, which bring in a lot of profit, instead of blanketing cities with coverage. Low-cost, low-power femtocells will be a key technology used by the carriers. Technical issues, however, will not take this technology into full swing next year. Femtocells are small base stations designed for use in homes and offices to help spread cellular coverage inside buildings. They will attract more than 100 million users in the next 5 years, according to ABI Research. Potentially, the use of femtocells can improve indoor wireless coverage and help reduce "in-home" call charges on mobile devices. 8. As the carriers roll out 3G networks and introduce bandwidth-intensive services, they will have to optimize and upgrade the backhaul portion of their networks to ensure that service quality is not compromised. Backhaul will be a significant operational expense for carriers, often totaling nearly 30% of a carrier's annual network operating expense budget. 9. Mobile advertising will drive content and innovation, even causing carriers to give up their subscription-based business models. Advertising-based models will win over subscription-based models, similarly to what happened on the Internet. Intelligent search, location-based search, and other tie-ins with content and products will generate sizeable advertising revenues for carriers. Mobile advertising sales in the U.S. accounted for $421 million in 2006. That number is expected to reach nearly $5 billion by 2011 in the U.S. alone, according to market research firm eMarketer. Global mobile advertising sales will reach $11.3 billion by 2011. 10. A major iPhone security incident will occur in the enterprise, raising awareness of and need for mobile device security. A new market will evolve for mobile device security software and mobile device management software and services. |
- Apr 16 Wed 2008 09:50