上網時間: 2008年01月08日
如果非要為小型企業採用軟體即服務(Software-as-a-Service, SaaS)找一個原因,那就是以購買微軟的Office辦公軟體成本的一小部份就能獲得相應的功能。如果你是一家解決方案供應商,而沒有看到眾多的Microsoft Office的競爭對手提供簡單易用的功能、而不用安裝龐大的程式,那麼你就錯過了這次航班。
這些方案包括Google Apps、Webex Web Office、Zoho、Zimbra以及Ulteo的在瀏覽器上執行的Open Office版本。那些認為Office功能軟體的開發已經結束的人的看法是錯誤的,為小型企業建構完整功能的SaaS環境是一個大生意。
整合通訊(Unified communications)
你是不是已經厭倦聽到奈米技術和鈕扣大小的電腦?別這樣!x86正以瘋狂的速度被嵌入到日常應用和產品中。要想看看正面的證據,就看看威盛(Via Technologies)正在進行的計畫,該公司開發了眾多的x86處理器,用於嵌入式產品、行動和消費性電子產品市場。
LCD和LED顯示器的色彩顯示越來越好。傳統的LCD只能產生NTSC色域的70~80%,這一點將在2008年被改變。例如,ViewSonic的LCD顯示器的彩色性能就得到提高,該公司將在1月份的美國消費性電子展(CES)上展示新顯示器;中小企業非常歡迎的VP Series LCD顯示器能夠利用110%的NTSC色域。此外,ViewSonic將推出LED背光顯示器,能夠產生118%的NTSC色域。
(參考原文:10 technologies to watch in 2008)
10 technologies to watch in 2008 | |
Steven Burke (12/18/2007 6:00 H EST) URL: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=205101306 | |
Call it the gift that keeps on giving. Virtualization is driving huge growth in sales and profits for solution providers with no end in sight to the boom times. It's all about IT solutions optimization taken to the Nth degree. Extremely heady stuff given that you can virtualize everything from servers to storage to applications. This is the biggest game changing technology since the dot.com explosion. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Virtualization is manna from heaven.
If ever there was a reason for small businesses to take the Software-as-a-Service plunge, it's to get Microsoft Office functionality at a fraction of the Office cost. If you're a solution provider and you're not looking at the slew of Microsoft Office competitors providing simple, easy to use Office functionality free of application bloat, then you are missing the boat. The alternatives include Google Apps, Webex Web Office, Zoho, Zimbra and a version of Open Office that runs in a browser from Ulteo. Nay on those that say Office productivity software is a dead-end play. Not so. Building fully functional SaaS environments for small businesses is big business. Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Here comes the Superman of all wireless standards. It's faster than fast and opens up all kinds of new opportunities for solution providers bringing clients one and all into the 21st century with a wireless standard that actually makes you feel like you're hooked up to your own personal ISDN line. Vendors like Cisco and Meru are already shipping 802.11n enabled products. We're talking throughput of 100 to 200 Mbits per second and in some configurations up 600 Mbits per second. That's way up from the old school 802.11g throughput of 54 Mbits per second. All right, it's been hyped to death. But that doesn't mean the cost savings and productivity gains aren't real. Nortel has some bang up technology. Microsoft is pushing hard. And Cisco wants a piece of the action. What it means is a lot of great products in a burgeoning market. Make a bet or watch yourself be marginalized in the got-to-get-it-done anytime day or night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week world that is business today. Look for enhancements that push that all-important call from your biggest customer to you, above all others, no matter where you are or what time it is. And what about blocking those you don't want to hear from? The future is finally now for IP videoconferencing. We've heard about it for years. And there is more than one company that bought an expensive videoconferencing solution that was simply never used because of cultural resistance. Now that the technology is better, save travel time and a fortune on hotels by getting clients with multiple offices to hook up a videoconferencing system. Not everyone needs Cisco's Star Trek beam-me-up-Scotty TelePresence product. There are many options. This is a technology whose time has come. So you're sick of hearing about nanotechnology and computers the size of a button. Well get over it! x86 processors are being embedded into everyday appliances and products at a frenzied pace. And if you're looking for proof positive, check out the work being done by Via Technologies Inc. which has developed a wide range of x86 processor in the embedded device, mobile and consumer electronics market segments. For small and medium businesses, the time is right to get enterprise quality solutions for disaster recovery and backup. Disk-based backup appliances with deduplication software are hot, hot, hot. New compression and data deduplication software combined with direct to disk support for backup software applications have created a perfect storm of opportunity for savvy VARs. Check out Exagrid, which is pushing hard and fast into the midmarket with a great product and a super channel program. Can you run a business with no Microsoft software? It's happening more and more. Besides the tried and true Linux server environment, there is a Linux-based open source application for each and every product category from OpenOffice.org as an office killer to Compiere with an ERP play. Eric Berridge, co-founder and principal of Bluewolf, one of the premier Software-as-a-Service consultants in the country, says his company relies on Google Apps and is saving a boatload of money without sacrificing productivity gains. "Our e-mail system has all the functionality of Outlook and costs me 50 bucks a user," he said. "And you don't need an Exchange user administrator or have to upgrade or deal with patches." Improved color performance is coming to LCD and LED displays. Traditional LCDs right now only reproduce about 70 to 80 percent of the NTSC color gamut. Look for all that change in 2008. For example, all of ViewSonic's LCD displays will feature improved color performance. The display high flyer is set to get the party rolling with a big color splash at CES in January. The company's VP Series of LCD displays, popular with SMBs and enterprises, will feature 110 percent of the NTSC color gamut. If that isn't enough, ViewSonic is set to introduce a number of new LED backlit displays that can produce 118 percent of the NTSC color gamut. Forget Kinko's and the local print quality publishers. Businesses, particularly price sensitive small and medium businesses, are saving a bundle by taking on all those print jobs themselves with high quality, large format printers from the likes of Hewlett-Packard and others. HP is upping the ante by bringing solution providers to the table with a supercharged channel effort. And guess what, printer vendors and solution providers are ecstatic because large format printers consume liters of ink. And as we all know, a big portion of the profits from this business are from the consumables. Print. Print. Print. This is just like printing money.